Журнальный клуб Интелрос » Свободная мысль » №6, 2017
Продемонстрирована исчерпанность неолиберализма. Обосновано, что Западу предстоит отказ от колониалистской идеологической матрицы, породившей нацизм (радикальную форму колониализма), коммунизм (авторитарную реакцию на колониализм) и неолиберальную глобализацию (современную форму колониализма). Показано, что будущее принадлежит синтезу традиционализма и социалистических идей (социал-традиционализму), который означает возврат от фиктивной к реальной демократии.
A view of the future and the social tradition
Shchipkov A.
The article shows, that neoliberal model of development is turning archaic, with its adherents inclining towards ultra-right ideology. The modern Western world is standing on the brink of the fundamental reassessment of the past and reinvention of its basic values. It is moving towards absolute rejection of the colonialist ideological matrix that gave rise to Nazism (as the radical form of colonialism), communism (as the authoritarian reaction to colonialism) and neoliberal globalization (as the modern form of colonialism). At the same time, the Western world will renounce the way their own (Christian) tradition had been ruptured and will return to Christian values. Social traditionalism, being the synthesis of traditionalist and socialist ideas, appears to be one of the most promising political trends of the future. This kind of traditionalism will bring about a return from the fictitious democracy to the real one.