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Журнальный клуб Интелрос » Век глобализации » №4, 2016


Vek globalizatsii

[Age of Globalization]

Journal of global studies




Oleg P. Ivanov and Valery V. Snakin. Globalization in terms of Ecology, Synergetics, and Complex System Theory (рр. 3–12).

Elvira M. Spirova. Conservatism vs Liberalism (рр. 13–22).

Orazaly S. Sabden. The Systemic Approach to the Civilizational Development of the Humanity in the Twenty-First Century (рр. 23–39).

Processes of globalization

Leonid E. Grinin and Anton L. Grinin. The Forthcoming Technological Revolution and Global Risks (рр. 40–58).

Vyacheslav V. Mantatov. Geophilosophy of the Eurasian Civilization (рр. 59–67).

Mariam Margaryan and Ruben Elamiryan. The Globalization Issues within the Development Trajectories of European Union and Large Middle East Projects (рр. 68–77).

Global issues

Natalya M. Lukach. International Experience in Overcoming the Global Problem of Human Trafficking (рр. 78–87).

Nature, society, andhumans

Alexandra L. Bolonina and Olga K. Shimanskaya. Human Rights as a Factor of International Relations in the Situation of Globalization: The Chinese Experience (рр. 88–99).

Russia in the global world

Igor N. Shapkin and Nina O. Voskresenskaya. The Institutional Matrix of Russia in the Context of Global Issues (рр. 100–114).

Yulia A. Tarasova. The Contemporary Russian Societies' Values within Globalization (рр. 115–121).

Vitaly F. Yershov. Russia in the Global Financial World (рр. 122–136).


Valentin P. Ratnikov. An Urgent Warning for the Humanity (рр. 137–142).

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