Журнальный клуб Интелрос » Век глобализации » №1-2, 2016
Vek globalizatsii
[Age of Globalization]
Journal of global studies
LeonidE. Grinin. The New World Order and the Age of Globalization. Part 2. Opportunities and Prospects of the Formation of the New World Order (рр. 3–18).
Peter Kemp. Creating the Human Community (рр. 19–25).
Irina V. Ivakhnyuk. The Development of Theory of Migration under Globalization
(рр. 26–43).
Vsevolod O. Glukhovtsev, and Aliya I. Salakhova. The Ontological Foundations of the Current Worldview Crisis (рр. 44–57).
Processes of globalization
Khalil A. Barlybayev. Globalization: From a Broad Analysis to the Inward Study
(рр. 58–69).
Yekaterina V. Sazhienko. The Assessment of the Current State of the Planetary Civilization in the Russian Academic Publications (рр. 70–79).
Valery V. Snakin. The Path to Sustainable Development: Myths and Reality(рр. 80–86).
Global issues
Elena A. Kovalyova, Tatyana G. Roman, Danila A. Rodionov, and Maksim O. Kovalyov. The Problem of Starvation in the Globalization Process (рр. 87–95).
Elena S. Vasetsova. Is the ISIS a Step toward the Conflict of Civilizations? (рр. 96–101).
Alexey K. Skalenko. The Global-Systemic Crisis of the Trans-informational Civilization (рр. 102–113).
Alexander M. Starostin. The Russian Cosmism in the Context of Modern Philosophical Activities(рр. 114–125).
Nature, society, and humans
Viktor F. Petrenko. The Multipolar Culture of the United Humankind (рр. 126–132).
Alexander B. Veber. The Study of Social Progress: Global Dimension and Challenges for Politics (рр. 133–146).
Alexey N. Ilyin.The Crisis of Ecology and Environmental Consciousness in Consumer Society (рр. 147–160).
Russia in the global world
Nikolay P. Zalyvskiy. Geopolitical Stability of Russia in the Context of Current Attempts to its International Isolation and Discrimination (рр. 161–174).
Stanislav A. Stepanov, and Akhmat Ch. Erkenov. The Ecological Policy and Education in Russia in the Context of Geopolitical Changes (рр. 175–181).
Ilya V. Ilyin, and Olga G. Leonova. The Studies of Global Processes: Achievements, Problems of Development, and Prospects (рр. 182–190).