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Журнальный клуб Интелрос » Век глобализации » №2, 2017


Vek globalizatsii

[Age of Globalization]

Journal of global studies



Alexander N. Chumakov. The Coming Demographic Avalanche: at the Threshold of a Great Migration of the Peoples (pp. 3–19).

Nikolay I. Migunov and Olga V. Migunova. About the Theoretical Foundations of the Chinese Concept of ‘Geocivilizational Continuum’ (pp. 20–36).

Alexander D. Dumnov, Dmitry A. Boriskin, and Nikolay G. Rybalsky. On Some Methods of Macrostatistical Analysis of the Environmental Management and Protection (pp. 37–50).

Processes of Globalization

Akop P. Nazaretyan. On the Advantages of Interdisciplinary Approach, or Why did the Megafauna of the Pleistocene Extinct? (pp. 51–65).

Ivan A. Gobozov. Neoliberalism and Globalization (pp. 66–76).

Global Issues

Wiryono Sastrohandoyo. The Development and Maintaining of Partnership Between China and Regional States via “Soft Power” (pp. 77–82).

Rafail A. Nurullin. The Issue of Ideology in the Situation of Establishing a Global Civilization (pp. 83–92).

Nature, Society, and Humans

Alexander V. Katsura. Democracy versus Socialism. Two Poles of Power: Two Great Projects (pp. 93–110).

Yevgeny V. Morgunov. The Russian Ethnical Identity versus Russian Identity: the Economic Roots of the Antinomy (pp. 111–118).

Marietta T. Stepanyanz. The Undisclosed Meaning of the Iranian Revolution (pp. 119–125).

A global Person

Yelena I. Glushenkova. Nikolay N. Moiseev: the Idea of Civilization from the Russian Cosmist (pp. 126–137).

Reviews, Summaries, and Surveys

Alexander B. Veber. On the Article by O. P. Ivanov and V. V. Snakin (pp. 138–142).


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