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Журнальный клуб Интелрос » Век глобализации » №3, 2016


Vek globalizatsii

[Age of Globalization]

Journal of global studies



Alexander N. Chumakov. Triosphere, Epometamorphosis and New Problems of Global Studies (рр. 3–15).

Elena N. Knyazeva. Big History: Evolutionary Thinking in Global Perspective (рр. 16–31).

 Marat A. Cheshkov.  On Ability of Scientific Knowledge to Understand the Structure and Transformations of the 21st Century (рр. 32–47).

Processes of globalization

Viktor A. Los'. Socio-Natural Dimension of Globalization (рр. 48–56).

Dmitriy M. Makhnovsky. Globalization and Development of World Cities Network
(рр. 57–70).

Irina Yu. Khovavko. The Concept of Sustainable Development in the Context of Globalization (pp. 71–84).

Global issues

Nikolay P. Ryabchenko. Wars: Unresolved Problem of Mankind (рр. 85–96).

Igor L. Andreev, Lionella N. Nazarova. Does Mental Apocalypse Threaten Mankind? (pp. 97–109).

Nature, society, and humans

Vardan G. Torosyan. Cultural Capitulation as Symptom/Reason/Consequence of the Decline of Europe (рр. 110–120).

Yuriy V. Oleynikov, Tatiana V. Borzova. Philosophical Understanding of the Global Problem of Interaction of Society and Nature (рр. 121–132).

Marianna D. Napso. Nationalist Ideology in the Context of Globalization (pp. 133–139).


Mikhail V. Ilyin. The Arab Spring in the World-System Context (рр. 140–142).


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