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From Multilateral Champion to Handicapped Donor - And Back Again?

The global financial crisis triggered by the fall of Lehman Brothers in 2008 and its aftermath in the subsequent five years has made visible and telling two new realities of the 21st century. First, the United States and its western allies no longer represent the single canonical example of the economic and political model of a free market democracy that other countries ought to strive to imitate

14 октября 2013

Addressing a Recurrent, Variable and Complex Challenge: The Uncertain Trajectory of Stabilization and Reconstruction in U.S. Security Strategy

Despite the apparent strength of their case, the community of planners, veterans, think-tankers and civic activists working in external security and humanitarian missions are puzzled and frustrated with the past and present performance of the United States in such missions, and anguished about the future. It is not that the United States has not taken action in foreign conflicts, regional instabilities or humanitarian catastrophes

14 октября 2013

The Military in a Wicked World: A European Union Military Point of View

We live in an increasingly wicked world, both in the common understanding of the word (given the growing number of serious security bushfires around the world threatening to join into a larger forest conflagration) and from a systems engineering perspective; where interrelationships between concurrent and coincident actors and events necessitate increasingly complex solutions, to even the most seemingly simple crisis, if unintended consequences are not to dominate outcomes.

14 октября 2013

Новости дня Мониторинг зарубежной прессы
Права человека в России: НПО "Мемориал"* как никогда подвергается опасности
Особое излучение может убивать Covid-19 и полиовирус, сообщают израильские ученые
TikTok, Snapchat и Instagram связали с депрессией в среднем возрасте
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