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Журнальный клуб Интелрос » 21-й ВЕК » №1, 2013

Сергей Гриняев
К вопросу о финансово-экономических проблемах устойчивости Евразийского союза

Настоящая статья подготовлена на основе результатов научного исследования, выполненного в Центре стратегических оценок и прогнозов летом 2012г. Полный текст аналитического доклада доступен в электронном виде на сайте Центра.

Currently there are several different unions of states. While establishing such unions, member states pursue different aims: from financial and economic to military and political ones. For some time the union may exist due to the personal motives of the leaders, common policy and joint military interests. But in mid-term and especially long-term perspectives only the unions which are based on real competitive economy will be consistent enough. That is why for the correct setting of mid-term and long-term prospects of the unions of states, estimation of their financial and economic grounds acquires special topicality

Другие статьи автора: Гриняев Сергей

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