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Joint Force Quarterly

Joint Force Quarterly#80, 1st Quarter, 2016



General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr.
From the Chairman


William T. Eliason
Executive Summary

Richard H.M. Outzen
Eight Signs Our Afghan Efforts Are Working

Aaron Tucker and Aimal Pacha Sayedi
Advising the Afghan Air Force

Thomas W. Ross
Enhancing Security Cooperation Effectiveness: A Model for Capability Package Planning

Special Feature

Aizen J. Marrogi and Edwin Burkett
Global Health Concepts, and Engagements: Significant Enhancer for U.S. Security and International Diplomacy

Gerald V. Quinnan, Jr.
The Future of Department of Defense Global Health Engagement

Gerald V. Quinnan, Jr.
The Future of Department of Defense Global Health Engagement

Paul A. Gaist and Ramey L. Wilson
Separate and Equal: Building Better Relationships with the International Humanitarian Community

Thomas R. Cullison, Charles W. Beadling, and Elizabeth Erickson
Global Health Engagement: A Military Medicine Core Competency

JPME Today

The Fourth Level of War

Brent French
Building Joint Capacity Within the Reserve Component


William T. Eliason
An Interview with Michael S. Rogers

U.S. Cyber Command Combined Action Group
Beyond the Build: How the Component Commands Support the U.S. Cyber Command Vision

Aundre F. Piggee, Matthew Bain, David Carlson, Richard Lliteras, Christopher Ostrander, Lawrence Pleis, Willie Rios, and Dennis Wilson
Joint Force Observations of Retrograde Operations from Afghanistan


Joseph L. Votel, Charles T. Cleveland, Charles T. Connett, and Will Irwin
Unconventional Warfare in the Gray Zone

John F. Morton
The Aegis Warship: Joint Force Linchpin for IAMD and Access Control

Mark E. Vinson and John Caldwell
Violent Nonstate Actors with Missile Technologies: Threats Beyond the Battlefield

Sarah Mussoni, Gert-Jan de Vreede, and Alfred Buckles
The Criticality of Collaborative Planning


F.G. Hoffman
The American Wolf Packs: A Case Study in Wartime Adaptation

Book Reviews

Joseph J. Collins
Book Review: Fighting the Cold War

Thomas F. Lynch III
Book Review: Duty

Richard McConnell
Book Review: Knife Fights

Joint Doctrine

Interorganizational Cooperation—Part II of III: The Humanitarian Perspective

Marc Tranchemontagne
The Enduring IED Problem: Why We Need Doctrine

Joint Doctrine Update

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