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Журнальный клуб Интелрос » Социологическое обозрение » со№4, 2021

Александр Филиппов, Андрей Корбут
Пертурбации приватного и публичного в условиях COVID-19

Alexander F. Filippov
Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor,
Head of the Centre for Fundamental Sociology, HSE University
Address: Myasnitskaya str., 20, Moscow,
Russian Federation 101000
E-mail: filippovaf@gmail.com


Andrei Korbut
Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Senior Research Fellow,
Centre for Fundamental Sociology, HSE University
Address: Myasnitskaya str., 20, Moscow,
Russian Federation 101000
E-mail: akorbut@hse.ru


This issue of the Russian Sociological Review deals with the transformation of the public and the private in the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic. We could not but respond to current events since they are not only important for understanding the constitution of contemporary societies, but also challenge many common notions of the social sciences. We decided to focus on this topic, first of all, because the question of the private and the public constitutes the main “nerve” of the sociopolitical processes triggered by the pandemic. In this introduction to the issue, we will offer some general considerations regarding the dynamics of recent changes, and a more detailed outline of the issue’s idea and overview of the papers published here.

Другие статьи автора: Филиппов Александр, Корбут Андрей

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