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Журнальный клуб Интелрос » Joint Force Quarterly » №71, 2013

Alice A. Booher
The War on Terror

Long anticipated and well worth the wait, James Terry’s cogent assessment of the legal vagaries and exigencies of the war on terror is both erudite and explicable. By delineating the confines of the traditional law of armed conflict (LOAC) as addressed with varying success by the four U.S. Presidents of the modern era who faced major incidents of terrorist violence (Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush), he serves up a foundation for both necessities and realities of international antiterrorism as addressed in policy and law. The book is neither tedious nor pedantic, but is written in such a detailed but concise manner as to enlighten a neophyte and expand the grasp of an expert. Each of the specifically targeted chapters commences with a summary of the goals and then proceeds to meet them, whether the topic is piracy or covert action, habeas corpus or interrogation and torture. A generous measure is given to the slippery alternative slopes of military versus Federal trials while also addressing unique factors such as environmental terrorism and the implications of media involvement.

Другие статьи автора: Booher Alice A.

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