Remarks of U.S. President Barack Obama at National Defense University on May 23, 2013
David Omand
Securing the State: National Security and Secret Intelligence
Anthony J. DiBella
Military Leaders and Global Leaders: Contrasts, Contradictions, and Opportunities
Scott Morrison
Redefining the Indirect Approach, Defining Special Operations Forces (SOF) Power, and the Global Networking of SOF
Bruce Williams
The Military in a Wicked World: A European Union Military Point of View
Nancy Birdsall and Alexis Sowa
From Multilateral Champion to Handicapped Donor - And Back Again?
Douglas Farah
Central America’s Northern Triangle: A Time for turmoil and Transitions
Kirk Talbott, John Waugh, and Douglas Batson
A US Asian-Pacific Pivot Point
Alan Doss, Jeffrey Herbst and Greg Mills
Towards a Taxonomy of Militaries
Andrew Straley
Joint Deployable Training Teams: Helping to Focus the Effort
James Dobbins
Response to the Decade of War
An Interview with Dennis Blair
Jeff Rice
The Insurgents: David Petraeus and the Plot to Change the American Way of War